– Harry S. Truman


In 2023, I became the first person in the State of West Virginia to become an Entrepreneurship Development Professional (EDP) which is a professional certification administered by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and given to those who complete the required coursework and successfully pass an examination and peer interview. Professionals who obtain the EDP certification are able to demonstrate to their peers and community leaders that they have the skills and expertise to make a difference in the community through entrepreneurship-led economic development (ELED). To learn more about the EDP certification please visit https://www.iedconline.org/pages/entrepreneurship-development-professional.

My passion in life is entrepreneurship. For over 30 years I have been an entrepreneur and have served entrepreneurs in various roles and capacities. Whether it is starting tech companies, raising venture capital, coaching business owners one on one or in a group setting, consulting, or collaborating and implementing entrepreneurial development strategies with business and community leaders to help them develop and grow an entrepreneurship ecosystem is what drives me each and every day.

I’m a people person, connector, small business champion, and have been fortunate to develop key business development relationships throughout the state of West Virginia and all over the United States as it pertains to starting and growing companies, raising money, promoting entrepreneurship, implementing entrepreneurial development systems for economic development organizations, and supporting entrepreneurship ecosystems.

I love meeting new people and if you share the same interests as I do and are interested in exploring the possibilities of working together please contact me today.

My area of specialties includes startups, growth companies, technology, manufacturing, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial development systems, entrepreneurship ecosystems, economic development, business coaching, business consulting, business strategy, customer service, business management, change management, finance, operations, sales, marketing, product development, product usability, branding and identity, social media, internet, podcasting, and photography.

At the end of the day, all we have is our INTEGRITY. Place your trust in someone who understands and RESPECTS this!